Interrogating and Narrating Inequalities - Youth Anxieties & Aspirations in India Today
As part of the Rethinking Inequalities Social Sciences Winter School in Pondicherry (SSWSP) 2022 event, the Humanities Across Borders (HAB) programme is collaborating with the Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP) and Madras Institute for Development Studies, Chennai (MIDS) to host a workshop titled Workshop 3: Interrogating and Narrating Inequalities: Youth Anxieties and Aspirations in India Today.
The Social Sciences Winter School in Pondicherry (SSWSP) is an Indo-French cooperation that has been designed as a programme of intensive and multidisciplinary training workshops addressing theoretical and methodological issues in social sciences research. Their main objectives include training doctoral students on methodological and crosscutting approaches for research on complex issues, building up research capacity-building, strengthening Indo-French research cooperation through the creation of an academic network working on South Asia, and consolidating a community of young scholars in India.
The workshop will address intersectional inequalities experience by Indian youths as they navigate their entry into adulthood. It will make open for discussion the structural hierarchies, and everyday acts of power that young women and men must face at home, at school and at work. The workshop will not only examine specific discriminatory factors such as caste, class and gender, but also the modalities through which these are mediated. Participants will seek to identify the emergent spaces of conflict, negotation, and resistance to map the enigmatic terrain of youth publics in India.
The co-convenors for the workshop are listed below in alphabetical order:
Aarti Kawlra - Humanities Across Borders (HAB), International Institute for Asian Studies - Leiden
Anandhi S - Madras Institute for Development Studies, Chennai (MIDS)
Barbara Curda - Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP)
Kalai Arasan - Madras Institute for Development Studies, Chennai (MIDS)
Loraine Kennedy - Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP)
Senthil Babu - Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP)
UMISARC - Center for South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University
All correspondence should be addressed to the SSWSP team of coordinators: sswsp@protonmail.com
More detailed information on the event as well as the workshop can be found on the SSWSP website: winterspy.hypotheses.org